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Breathing Mindfulness Meditation – this guided meditation is about bringing focused attention to the breath and being curious about the experience of the breath as it happens in the present moment. By focusing on the breath we often become more aware of our emotional experience. It is also common for people to be mindlessly dwelling on the past or ruminating about the future this, attending to the breath can help us anchor more in the present moment.

Breathing Mindfulness Meditation - Kristy Attwooll
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Breath Awareness Mindfulness Meditation – this guided meditation begins with grounding oneself by focusing on physical location and sensations in the body. The exercise then moves to simply noticing, accepting and being aware of your breath.  Lastly the meditation encourages a non-judgmental curiosity to all internal experiences arising in the present moment. The aim of the exercise is not to relax or feel less stressed but to become better at observing and sitting with your experiences. Even if you do not like or want a feeling, thought or body sensation the intention is to become better at accepting each experience as it is and watching experiences come and go.

Breath Awareness Mindfulness Meditation - Kristy Attwooll
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Watching Thoughts Mindfulness Meditation – the intention of this guided meditation is to notice your thoughts as they show up and practice not reacting to, judging, or engaging with each thought. Instead one observes dispassionately each thought from a distance, as they freely come and go in one’s consciousness.

Watching Thoughts Mindfulness Meditation - Kristy Attwooll
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The Observing Self Mindfulness Meditation – this guided meditation is about connecting more with the observing, watchful self that is constant and always present unlike the changeable body sensations, emotions, and thoughts we experience and the varying roles we play. It reminds us that we are not our sensations, emotions, thoughts, roles and that no matter what we are experiencing we can draw on the observing self and trust that difficult experience will pass.

The Observer Mindfulness Meditation - Kristy Attwooll
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Awareness Using the Senses Mindfulness Meditation – the intention of this guided meditation is to observe all of your senses mindfully. It encourages the individual to make contact with the observing self by pausing, being present and observing without judgment what one can hear, touch, smell and taste in the moment.

Awareness Using the Senses Meditation - Dr Anna Suraev
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PLEASE NOTE: These meditations are not intended to substitute therapy. Always seek advice from a trained medical professional or psychologist regarding your specific mental health condition and whether these meditations would be suitable. If emotional difficulties arise when working with these meditations, please consult with a psychologist or other qualified health professional. These meditations should never be played while driving or operating machinery.


The Australian Psychological Society (APS)

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) advocate for the profession of psychology, support high standards, promote community wellbeing, and are dedicated to providing benefits to psychologist members.

Lifeline 13 11 14

Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.


SANE Australia

SANE Australia is a national mental health charity working to support four million Australians affected by complex mental illness. SANE’s work includes mental health awareness, online peer support and information, stigma reduction, specialist helpline support, research and advocacy.


Beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

The Black Dog Institute

The Black Dog Institute is a translational research institute that aims to reduce the incidence of mental illness and the stigma around it, to actively reduce suicide rates and empower everyone to live the most mentally healthy lives possible.


One Door

One Door is an organisation that helps people living with mental illness and their families find an inclusive community, innovative services and advocacy support.

ACT Mindfully

ACT Mindfully is the website of Dr Russ Harris a world-renowned Australian trainer in Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT). His website provides a wealth of information about ACT, upcoming training opportunities, and excellent free resources.


Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind is a not-for-profit organisation that works to make mindfulness meditation accessible to all.


Gidget Foundation

Gidget Foundation is a not for profit organisation supporting the emotional wellbeing of new parents and their families, while providing education for health professionals and the community.



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